Wednesday, 26 October 2016

BAM Alert Email From Address

Recently I was working on  setting up BAM Alerts for a client on BizTalk Server 2013.
It turned out that emails that were being sent out had "From Address" set as "".

I tried to change the address on the BAM profile configured in Database Mail, however, it didn't change anything.

After googling a bit I found an old post:

This suggested executing ProcessBamNSFiles.vbs file using Notification Service Command Prompt. I couldn't find this command prompt with SQL 2012, so I could not run this.

After some further digging, I found that all this vbs is doing is updating a property in table "bam_Metadata_Proporties" in BAMPrimaryImport database.

I updated this value using SQL Query:

UPDATE dbo.bam_Metadata_Properties 
SET PropertyValue = 'Your email address
WHERE (Scope = 'Alert' AND PropertyName = 'AlertMailFrom')

After restarting BAMAlerts service, from address was changed.